
How To Draw Geometric Animals Step By Step

Creating Geometric Animate being Art

I had the thought of a collection of geometric animals a couple of months ago, when I was thinking of how to decorate a room. I bought an iPad terminal year and started using Concepts, so I thought information technology could be a great opportunity to explore the possibilities of this app.

I created a collection of artwork and have begun selling it on Society6, an online service that prints your images onto customizable items such equally notebooks, t-shirts, comforters and curtains. Information technology'due south been a great feel.

In each of the cases, the artistic process I have followed started past doing some research on the internet and finding some pictures equally references. For instance:

Using these images every bit inspiration, I drew some sketches by hand to brainstorm to get accepted to the shapes of the animal. Since I wanted the animals to be drawn surrounded by something that evoked their natural habitat, I also drew things like waves, forests, and trees.

Every time I felt I had plant the correct elements to etch my drawing, I fabricated a final cartoon on paper in which I tried to trace the lines as geometrically as possible. Here you can come across the concluding sketches of each animal.

The next pace was taking this drawing to Concepts by taking its moving-picture show.

I added a layer using the pencil tool with the precision shape guides applied. Then, I created a layer for each element of the beast, using the shape guides to outline the beast's areas in perfect shapes.

To not repeat all of the drawing I did in the pencil layer, I copied and pasted the pencil elements into a new layer, selected each pencil stroke, and inverse information technology to the fill up tool.

Then I erased the parts I didn't desire, besides using the shape guides for perfect edges. With this procedure, I congenital the base of the geometric animals.

With this base washed, I created more layers for adding shadows and patterns. For the shadows, I used the marker pen and the airbrush.

In the case of the patterns, if these were shapes such equally circles or triangles, I used the library of objects given by Concepts.

If they were something more elaborate, as for instance the tree leafage of the toucan, I drew one and duplicated it several times.

In these examples, you lot can see the differences in the drawings before and after applying the shadows and patterns.

Finally, I added some textures to my drawings past importing them as images and modifying the opacity. For the background, I also imported some pictures that fit well with the colors of the pattern.

  • Turtle. I tried to evoke the sea and the bounding main through waves, bluish colors and the sun. This is the only one of the drawings that is totally symmetrical. I drew only half of the pattern and and then I used the reflect tool.

  • Owl. In this case, I did a petty experiment with the airbrushes and the markers, using them with depression opacity. I wanted to go a drawing that interacts with a night background. I tried to used colors that could give a feeling of fluorescence. Although this drawing is symmetrical in grade, each side is different in colour, and so I did each part differently.

  • Toucan. In this drawing, I broke the symmetry and wanted to requite a sensation of someplace very hot by using vibrant colors like red, orange and green. The patterns were inspired by the surround in which toucans live.

  • Squirrel. Again, the cartoon is not symmetrical, and I tried to evoke a forest with a lot of browns and some greens. I had a lot of fun in some parts, similar the outer circumvolve, trying to go the look inspired by woods.

I have printed these drawings on canvas to decorate my room. Here y'all can run into the final results:

You can see the designs applied to different products here on Society6. For example, on iPhone cover cases and on tote bags:

I have had a great experience with Society6. I like how information technology is really easy to use and one can encounter the designs practical to products very fast. It'due south difficult for people to find your art among all the artists, but I guess that'south as hard as in any other platform for sharing designs.

Thank you for your interest in my art, and have fun creating your ain designs!

Cristina Marcos is a physicist working on weather forecasting variables. She has ever loved to depict so she dedicates much of her complimentary time to projects related to fine art. Adjacent autumn she will kickoff a college career in digital design.

Find more of Cristina's artistic procedure on Instagram.

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Interview by Erica Christensen — Director of Community at TopHatch


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