
Banzai Birds - Review

The Windows Phone Marketplace has Aroused Birds where you lot toss birds from a slingshot, Twitter Hunter where you try to shoot at the birds and now you accept Banzai Birds where you aid birds parachute safely to the ground.

Game play is simple, birds begin a free autumn to the basis and at some point you tap the screen to deploy their parachute. Sounds simple, right?

Drop on past the break to see how uncomplicated Banzai Birds tin be.

Again, the goal of Banzai Birds is to parachute your birds to a safe landing on the target zone.

To help with the challenge, you take a target to land on and a timer to beat. Open the parachute too shortly and time will expire before you land. Open the parachute too tardily and yous crash into the ground.

You lot maneuver the falling bird by tilting your Windows Phone to the left or right. For bonus points, worms volition mysteriously hover in the sky for yous to hit. You as well have owls to dodge and boulders to navigate around on your journey to the ground.  The owls can exist down right fell at times.

Naturally the closer to the centre of the target and faster you state will also add to your point totals. Once you successfully country your bird on the target zone, you go to move to the next level. Currently at that place are 20 levels to Banzai Birds with more to come with future updates.

Banzai Birds was a fun game to play for short periods. There are a few functioning bug that requires a little patience. Mostly lag times betwixt the 3,2,1,Get! prompt and the bird beginning its descent.  You have to tap the screen when you see Go,Become,Go to start the decent.  At times there is a lag between the one and Get,Become,Become as well as a lag fourth dimension betwixt taps and seeing the bird begin to fall.  This can crusade precious seconds to run off the clock and with a game where seconds count, this can be critical.

All in all, Banzai Birds was fun to play. It won't keep you lot hooked for hours but for a game to help pass short periods of time with, its non a bad choice. Banzai Birds is a free, ad-supported game that y'all can download here (opens Zune) at the Marketplace.

UPDATE: Banzai Birds was recently updated.  Where nosotros expected additional levels instead, the first twenty were re-designed, calculation more obstacles and owls into the mix.  Y'all however have the lag time present at the starting time of each level and the levels are more than challenging (which isn't necessarily a bad matter).  We as well experienced a few instability issues that locked the game upwardly when you deployed the parachute.  The re-design of the levels gives the game a little more edge only the stability bugs and lag times concur this game dorsum.


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